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RoadRUNNER added a technical difficulty indicator to our routes. One curvy arrow is "technical" and two curvy arrows indicate an "extremely technical" route.
Take a Ride... on the
wild side
of our
Over 1,500 miles of vetted byways climb to the edge of the horizon and descend thousands of feet to verdant valleys below. Connect to our Appalachian Backroads from the famed Back of the Dragon which boasts 3 mountains, 438 curves in 32 miles. Spurs off the main routes offer one-of-a-kind adventures that will keep you coming back for more!
Our backroads span multi-lane highways to rolling rural roads with modest to moderate curves and straight-aways. Extraordinary vistas with breathtaking scenery will awaken the photographer in you, while the adventurer spies the next road less traveled. Cruise elevations to over 4,200 feet with the sun at your back and a smile on your face... Yes!
There's a lot of great eats along our Appalachian Backroads. What's better, there's a lot of riders out our way who can point you to the best of the best. Hob Nob doesn't disappoint. When we happened upon this post by Riders United Ruritan Club, we just had to share. Scrolling through the comments was even more informative! The Patio Drive-in in Pennington Gap and Robo's in Pound are treasured for their eats as well!
For more, check out Food Stops for Virginia Motorcycle Rides on Facebook!